Stay Safe! If you need a watch or clock repair, we can pick up and deliver.
You also can mail it to us. Please call us for details at 617-812-6303. Don’t mail your timepiece before talking to us.
Village Watch Center

Watch Repair and Clock Repair Shop

Tel.: 617-812-6303 233 Washington St. Brookline, MA 02445
20% off

most watch, clock & jewelry
repairs for new clients

Call us: 617-812-6303


What You Have to Look for in Watch Repair

What You Have to Look for in Watch Repair

Village Watch Center Knows

Village Watch Center of Boston is a premier location in Boston for quality clocks and watches from the latest designs to the most established classics. We serve customers needs by selling quality watches and clocks, buying used watches and clocks from a wide range of manufacturers, watch and clock cleaning, and for watch and clock repair. With all these services, we see and hear a lot of stories from customers that had trouble finding a reliable location before they came to us at Village Watch Center.

With watch repair and watch maintenance, many customers think only in terms of getting the watch to tick again. The problem with that approach to finding a watch repair location is that you don’t know whether they are able to fix watches until they prove that they can’t deliver with the timepiece you have. We’d like to use Village Watch Center as an example of what you have to look for in watch repair.

The Widest Range of Experience.

Experience with watch repair is important. Businesses that do poor work are less likely to last although some stay around longer than they should. The range of that experience is equally important. Village Watch Center works with all sorts of watches and clocks from a global span of manufacturers and time periods. Since you can see those watches and clocks operating within our store, you know that we know how to care for them including rare and complex pieces. That is an important factor in your decision of who should repair your watch.

Depth of Knowledge and Understanding.

Since we buy, sell, clean, and maintain all these varieties of pieces, we have a far better understanding of their workings and operation. More importantly, we know their subtle differences. Stores that specialize in a few brands or that do not deal with maintenance and cleaning as well, are more likely to miss details about some of the problems which might be faced in a repair.

Satisfied Customers.

Nothing says more than the customers that experienced a perfect repair and service. That is what sets Village Watch Center apart from our competition.

Come see us at Village Watch Center for all your buying, selling, and watch repair needs.

Сall Us Today!

What You Have to Look for in Watch Repair

Watch and Clock Repair by Mail
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Do you need your clock restored?
Selling your watch or clock?
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Website Special 20% off

most watch, clock & jewelry
repairs for new clients

Call us: 617-812-6303

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